How to influece people and get results!!!
The source of information of this article comes from HBS, I've thought it was interesting because I've experienced this and may be of your help:
Most managers discover the limits of formal authority:
- People don't always follow your instructions!
* Get to know the reasons why they are not following your instructions
- They disagree with you, they think there's a better way and feel free to exercise their own judgement
* Get to know their opinions, maybe some of them could be of your interest, however then make clear why at the end you take your decision
- They think something else is more important
* Explain them the priorities and the link to the strategy
- They don't understand what you want
* Give instructions specific enough to eliminate misunderstanding
- They find circumstances have changed
* Explain them that sometimes we need to improvise, since directions may change
- People may have a view of authority that differs from you
* It's not personal, it is simply a different point of view, you will need to work with them. As people cultural backgrounds is more diverse, that may happen more often, you need to work through that by communication
- They dislike being bossed around
* Just be aware and try to find the way to get them involved and not feel unconfortable
- People may not comply because they're confused, maybe because of the growing complexity of the workplace and more fluid organizational structures with multiple bosses and temporary teams
* Get them into short meetings to clarify any doubts or questions arising