A Round Up of Spring Semester 2014.

Its been another action packed semester, with football tournaments, barbecues, and the La Salle festival week to mention just a few. So here are some of the highlights of the semester. The first week of the semester really set the tone of what was still to come, with an on campus barbecue and football tournament, involving over 12 teams on our five-a-side pitches here at La Salle. The weather was good, despite it being held in mid february, and the turnout was excellent (as was the food!)
Meanwhile, on the academic side of things, the MUN students were making the final preparations for their week long trip to New York, while sports media and sports business students enjoyed trips to London's Twickenham and the Olympics Velodrome, as well as a more local visit to the Barcelona ATP tour.
After the Easter break, i was able to catch up with the MUN students to find out about their trip to the big apple. Here is what they had to say: Hala: "It was a great experience. The conference lasted five days and was quite intense, so during this period we were very focused on the task in hand and worked very long days. We continued working on our draft resolutions throughout the conference, with informal and formal sessions. It was just great being in New York as well. After the conference finished we had a few free days where we could explore New York and see the sights ... One of the greatest things about the project is being able to meet different people from all over the world, from different backgrounds and different ways of life." (See MUN Committee: Post New York City article for full interview with delegate Hala Cherradi.)
The spring semester also saw a rise in the attendance of Technova Young, La Salles on start-up lab, with students appearing keen to generate and develop entrepreneurial ideas. La Salle festival week also saw a large attendance, with students and professors partaking in what was possibly the biggest festival week yet, with more events and activities than ever before. Some of the highlights from the week included, the International food day, the football tournament, volleyball and beach sports at Baceloneta beach, and of course the Catalan University Championships in rock climbing.
While a great semester has come to an end, there is plenty to look forward to over the summer, and plenty more to look forward to next year. We would like to thank the student council for an excellent year of student events, and we hope that they will have plenty more planned for when we return next September. See you all then, and have a great summer!