Blog by the Media Technologies research group (GTM). Researching interactions between humans, machines and their environments.

07 June 2019 | Posted by Editorial Team GTM

Ibiza pictures turned into music: GTM research at the crossroads between technology and art

During the Bienal Ciutat i Ciència held in Barcelona in February 2019, GTM researchers crossed the border between technology and other disciplines, such as neuroscience and music.

In a serendipitous encounter at the Bienal, Xavier Sevillano came into contact with Ibiza photographer Isabel Flores “La Skimal”, and begun a fruitful collaboration that will see the light during the retrospective exhibition of La Skimal’s photographic work that will be held in ME Ibiza Hotel from June 14th.

Those attending the exhibition, entitled “Intuición – Ibiza a través de La Skimal”, will not only enjoy the beauty and vibe of Ibiza through images captured by the camera of Isabel Flores. Also, they will have the chance to listen to La Skimal’s photos, living a trans-artistic and multi-sense experience.

This will be possible thanks to Musical Vision, a software tool developed at GTM that converts color images into music by mimicking some aspects of the human visual system. Musical Vision makes it possible to transform any image into a melody of the desired length and complexity.

Originally devised as an accessibility tool (that is, to make visually impaired people “see” through music), the aforementioned exhibition will be the first time Musical Vision is applied with artistic purposes for the general public, converting several of La Skimal’s snapshots into inspiring music.

About Isabel Flores “La Skimal”

La Skimal is the alter ego of Ibiza born photographer Isabel Flores, internationally renowned by its genuine process at the time of capturing and redefining, with her look, the world and the culture around her. Her work goes from Ibiza, where she is specialized as a portrait and live music event photographer, to distant locations as Mexico, India, Thailand, Bolivia or Ghana.  


About the “Intuición – Ibiza a través de La Skimal” exhibition

This is an invitation to discover the past and present of Ibiza through the beauty of its natural landscapes, and also through the portraits of multiple celebrities from the international music scene and the club culture, like Lenny Kravitz, Lady Gaga, Carl Cox, Sven Väth, Faithless, The Prodigy, Luciano, Rudimental, Harvey …

Moreover, Intuición will be a multidimensional experience thanks to the audiovisual synergy between La Skimal and GTM researcher Xavier Sevillano.



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