Creative Thinking at La Salle Campus Barcelona

During the 22-23 academic year, first-year students at La Salle-URL worked in a transdisciplinary way on the 17 global goals that the United Nations General Assembly aims to achieve by 2030.
Leading the change towards a more just society committed to its environment, students from the campus developed -during the academic year- a project focused on the search for sustainable solutions for the 2030 agenda, playing a fundamental role in their current training through the subject Creative Thinking.
La Salle-URL students demonstrate their ability to make a difference by developing and carrying out 80 innovative projects that inspire the new generation.
In this post, we give you all the details to learn how our students are leading change by building a sustainable future.
Find out more!
The UN and the Sustainable Development Goals: the global agenda that transforms the world
The United Nations (UN) is the organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security by providing assistance to those who need it most, protecting the human rights of every individual, collective and/or nation.
In 2015, the UN established goals that marked a before and after in the sustainable development of the planet. In order to achieve a better future for all, these 17 goals are considered "the master plan" that will succeed in reducing environmental degradation, poverty and inequality among others.
They interrelate with each other and incorporate the global challenges we face every day, such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice." UN
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require the global effort of governments, organizations and, above all, society's effort to create a better and more accessible world.
In this context, first-year students at La Salle-URL demonstrate their commitment to change by leading a total of 80 projects that support the SDGs established by the UN through the subject Creative Thinking- a transdisciplinary subject for first-year students.
Education for Change: La Salle-URL commits to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
At La Salle-URL we are committed to the future of university education; therefore, and aware of the change, we promote a more sustainable and secure future -and present-.
In order to influence an integral improvement of society, we instill in our students a new format and style, not only of education but also of life.
Within this framework, the Creative Thinking course - common to all first-year students - works on the concepts and elements necessary to promote social responsibility, ethics and social impact from a humanistic and close perspective.
Impact projects: how La Salle students are making a difference in achieving the SDGs
During the 22-23 academic year, around 800 students worked, from a cross-cutting perspective, on each of the goals set, from the humanistic perspective that characterizes La Salle-URL.
A total of 8 practical sessions have been developed to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit with projects related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, thus enhancing roles as drivers of social change.
With the aim of working together and demonstrating their social commitment to the world, the students delved into the global challenges set by the UN. With creativity, determination and passion for positive change, these students make a tangible impact on their communities and pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.
Accessing quality education, protecting the environment and promoting gender equality were some of the projects presented during the course.
Through the implementation of innovative solutions, our students are becoming agents of transformation, inspiring others and building a world where the SDGs become an achievable reality. In the end, 16 entries were chosen - one for each goal - and a diploma was awarded to each team.
The closing of the event, sponsored by Caixa d'Enginyers, served to reflect La Salle-URL's commitment to the education of its students, demonstrating the importance of education as a precursor to social and environmental change.
Keep inspiring!