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08 January 2020 | Posted by Digital Analytics Team

Essential Strategies to create Engaging Website Content to attract young students in Barcelona

By reading this article, you will learn how to attract people to visit and to purchase from your website.

Producing organic content for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes is a central part of most content strategies. By using the right keywords, producing relevant copy, adding attractive images, breaking up the text with header tags and including good backlinks, you can help raise your ranking.

Should this be done to a high standard, you will have every chance of getting your content to the first page of the search engine within a few months. This will occur through the production of consistent quality but also volume. Time will be a factor too: older URLs tend to dominate the rankings pages as they have had more time to establish good authority.

You’ve heard about the attention span of the goldfish, right? Nine seconds and holding. The scary reality is that the average human attention span for websites has fallen to approx. 5 seconds.

Five little seconds to make a huge impact and have your potential customers take an action on your website that isn’t bouncing away to somewhere else. 

Terrifying, huh? Well, rest assured, we’ve got your back. In this article, we’ll dive into some techniques to help you create an engaging website.

Throw out what you want to tell your customers, let’s tell them what they want to hear instead. 

You’re excited about your service or product. Everyone should have it in their homes or businesses, heck even we’re excited! But do all of your customers care about every detail of your service or products? Maybe, but most likely not. 

Tailor your messages; think about what you’re saying. Your customers want something useful to them. Shout it loud and proud, but make sure it’s things they genuinely care about. 

Leverage multiple forms of content to reach your audience

With the step above complete, you now have a pretty powerful list of engaging messages. You’ve loaded up your product pages with all the of them and are ready to show the masses. Now, everyone who visits your pages will read these messages and make an immediate decision to make the purchase. 

Except, they’re still bouncing away. 

Maybe the issue is that people don’t want to read pages of text. Customers are busy people. A short 30-second video could be the way to engage your audience. Then again maybe not… Conversely, a video might put off people who think you’re trying to sell them something aggressively. For them a beautiful infographic could keep fingers clicking away.

How can we make the first two sentences on your website engaging?

You have 5 seconds to engage, remember? So, text-based content should begin with two short sentences (looks short and quick to read, right?) and the rest of the page needs to be effortless and quick to read.

The online world is FULL of information and distractions. Your task is two-fold: firstly getting ‘eyeballs’, second getting ‘time’. You get eyeballs by being findable, threading keywords into your text and all that. You get time, or attention and engagement, by making sure your key information is relevant, useful for the reader and straight to the point.

Is it clear what you want your customers to do?

Think about how the Netflix front page is one giant call to action: REGISTER FOR 30 DAY TRIAL AND START STREAMING NOW! 

That is a direct and concise call to action paired with a pretty compelling offer to get customers to convert immediately. 

Pair Content, so it’s delivered at the right moment in a customer’s purchase journey  

Do you know why it’s important to have a content development schedule? It’s so you know that you’re delivering the right type of content at the right moment in time. But, how do you know what type of content you should be creating and which stage of the marketing funnel that fulfils? 

Here are some sample questions you can use to start that discovery:

  • What are the top three enquiries from potential customers? 
  • What do your customers first search online when they are trying to solve the problem which your product or service solves?
  • What do your customers search for when they are looking for a trustworthy provider? 

Questions like these are a key source of understanding buyer behavior, get asking!


Why are potential customers failing to engage with your site? There are countless potential reasons but the one we’re identifying in this article is a lack of clear and genuine content.

When developing your content and marketing strategy, always keep your focus on delivering content that is useful to your readers and quickly understandable. Because let’s be fair, if you’re asking people to give their time to read your site, it’s going to have to be worthwhile. 



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