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23 November 2020 | Posted by Equipo Editorial de PhD

La relación entre el conocimiento tecnológico del profesor y el uso de tecnología en el aula

Author: Cubeles Márquez, Albert; Director: PhD. Riu Vilà, David; Thesis Tribunal: PhD. García Peñalvo, Francisco José; Phd. Fonseca Escudero, David; PhD. Vicent Safont, Lluís. Date: December 3rd, 2020

Technology integration is a key element in the innovation process that educational institutions are carrying out to adapt teaching to the new informational and digital skills that students need. The teacher, as the centre of the learning process, plays a key role in the integration of ICT in the classroom. A teacher first chooses to perform a specific instructional task and then chooses to use or not the corresponding technological tool to perform the task involved. The relationship that the teacher has with technology influences the choice between carrying out the task using technology or using alternative means. The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of the teacher's technological knowledge on the learning activities carried out in the classroom. TPACK (Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge) is used to represent the teacher's technological knowledge and the Inventory of Learning Activities with Technology at the University (IAATU) is used to evaluate technology used in the classroom. The methodology used is based on a second-generation multivariate analysis tool, the structural equation model (SEM), and the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique is used to estimate the model. The validity of the measurement model and the structural model are analyzed following the steps defined for the application of the SEM algorithm. The results obtained in this research show an influence of the teacher's technological knowledge on the use of technology in the classroom, although it is also evident that this technological knowledge, by itself, does not explain the use of technology.


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