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18 June 2010 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

CTMedia at InterNoise 2010


The CTMedia La Salle was at INTER-NOISE 2010, the 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, held in Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 June 2010. Dr. Oriol Guasch presented the paper “Graph cuts to reduce energy transmission in the SEA model of a building” authored by O. Guasch, À. Aragonès and M. Janer. Abstract It has recently been shown how several problems concerning energy transmission paths in statistical energy analysis (SEA) models can be solved by setting them in the general framework of graph theory. In this work, a strategy that makes use of algorithms to find cutsets in undirected networks is used to reduce the energy transmitted from a set of source subsystems to a set of target subsystems, in the SEA model of a simple building. The key idea is to modify only those SEA system loss factors belonging to the cutsets. This ensures that all energy transmission paths from sources to receivers become attenuated. The proposed strategy can constitute an alternative and/or complement to other approaches such as classical optimization followed by sensitivity analysis or Monte Carlo methods.
