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14 March 2011 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

Conference announcement: The World of Video Games

Location: Sala de graus La Salle - URL

Time: Wednesday, 16th March 2011, 12:30

Summary: we will start with a brief introduction to video games, specifically those that we do at Digital Legends. We will discuss the type of platforms, types of games and what is our career about. We will bring some for iOS devices so that people can enjoy what we do in the company.

Then we will talk about what is a  video game, especially the stages in which it is divided (roughly, pre-production, production, test and post-production) and the roles that fall into each category, specifying that does everyone who is important and what specific work has to be done in each section, and finally the link with the subjects studied during the engineering graduate. Finally,  we will bring examples of former students who are engaged in this world and the companies they work for,  mostly located around in Barcelona. We will end the seminar showing the making-off of a game we did in 2009: Dance Fabulous. About the speaker:  Andres Fernandez Munuera Andres Fernandez, graduated in Computer Engineering  by Universitat Ramon Llull - La Salle, he achieved the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) thanks to the work entitled "Virtual Reality Simulation and physics of cutting bone in muscle of inguinal hernia (2009)".  He was the recipient of a CalCat scholarship in the Summer of 2005  at the University of California at Irvine. He was also visitor researcher at the University of California at San Diego in the Summer of 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Falko Kuester and Dr. Kai-Uwe Doerr.

At La Salle he was teacher  of courses on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Videogames, besides having the privilege of giving seminars to the MCDEM led by Dr. Oscar Garcia, as well as at the Universidad La Salle Ciudad Obregon (Mexico) in 2008.

He has been working as R&D programmer in the Digital Legends Entertainment (2009-2010) where he is currently programmer for gameplay as well as for artificial intelligence and metrics  in the same company, having successfully achieved the  Bruce Lee videogame.
