Have you heard about the XD Young Festival?

Yesterday I discovered an event I would like to share with you all.
It is a leisure and multimedia festival for young people, and it looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun.
The festival XD Young Fest takes place from the 27th of December to the 4th of January, and the festival consists of four exciting areas:
The extreme sport area will have an "X-treme park" for skateboarding, inline skating, scooters and BMX. There will also be an "adventure zone" as well as a "sports zone" with go-carts, bubble football and basketball courts, amongst other things.
In the music area, there will be live concerts and DJ workshops as well as other "music trends." Within the technology area you can find a gaming zone packed with competitions as well as a workshops on video game creation. You can also find augmented and virtual reality demos, try google glasses, or experience 3D printing. There will also be demos and workshops with famous "youtubers." In the fashion area, you can watch fashion shows, as well as participate in DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops. There will also be exhibitions and graffiti demos and workshops.
If you want to know more about the festival,
you can check out their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/xdyoungfest
Or you can check out their website http://www.xdyoungfest.com
The tickets can be bought through the website. The tickets are sold at a discounted price through November until December..