Conoce las últimas tendencias en herramientas y técnicas en project management y las últimas tendencias en soft skills: gestión de equipos, liderazgo, etc.

30 Abril 2012 | Publicado por Equipo Editorial Project Management

Qué es un project manager senior

The Vital Dozen For Project Managers Over the last several years, we have conducted interviews with dozens of senior project managers in which we asked them a simple question: "What information were you never given as a novice project manager that, in retrospect, could have made your job easier?" From the data gathered in these interviews, we have synthesized some of the more salient issues, outlined in Figure 1 and detailed below, that managers need to keep in mind when undertaking a project implementation effort. While not intended to appear in any particular order, these 12 rules offer a useful way to understand the challenge project managers face and some ways to address these concerns. Understand the context of project management. Recognize project team conflict as progress. Understand who the stakeholders are and what they want. Accept and use the political nature of organizations. Lead from the front. Understand what "success" means. Build and maintain a cohesive team. Enthusiasm and despair are both infectious. One look forward is worth two looks back. Remember what you are trying to do. Use time carefully or it will use you. Above all, plan, plan, plan.
