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10 December 2018 | Posted by Digital Analytics Team

How much important video format is in viral videos?

One of the most important thing is the time and rhythm of the video. It highly has to be adapted to the platform you want to upload your content to.

For exemple on facebook, the best type of format would be short video but still you can make long video but the best would be to have several small videos to keep the viewer entertained because on facebook, the “consumer” will be scrolling all the way down, drawning in the constant flux of informations/posts/non important things for the viewer. On facebook he is typically only interested in very short interactions, so there is higher chance that someone watches a 2min video if it is a mix of short videos than if the video is a 2min video in a row without interruption/changes of subject.

On the other side, a youtube video is more likely to be longer, having less cuts and less subject changes to be a viral video. Because youtube is a platform where posted video tends to be longer than on facebook. We mostly use the phone between every interaction we have with the world, so in fact it is kinda small moments but that happens a lot of time in the day.

On the opposite, for the majority, pc use is made on longer periods, usually at home so you have more time to spend on the pc if you decide to do so. That leads to a longer viewing time recorded on pc than mobile devices. You can have the best idea, project, subject or whatever, if you dont know how to make it “appealing” and fitting the platform’s viewer activity, you highly decrease your chances to make it work.
