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13 May 2024 | Posted by angela.tuduri

TikTok for young people | Debunking myths

Is TikTok, the short video platform of Generation Z really true?

This - practically - new platform is usually associated mainly with a young audience, Generation Z. However, this perception is far from reality. More and more adult users, and even companies, are joining this social network to take advantage of its many possibilities.  

In this article we will explore the true essence of TikTok for the not-so-young, debunk some of the most common myths and show you how companies can leverage this platform to connect with their audience through creative content. Read on!  

Beyond entertainment  

TikTok is not just a platform for dances, memes and jokes. On it you can find informative, educational videos, tutorials, recipes, business tips and much more. In fact, more and more companies are using TikTok to promote their products and services, reach new customers and build a brand.  

TikTok has proven to be a platform with a solid foundation in today's digital culture. Far from being a fad, it has established itself as a space where young people can express themselves, create, share and connect with others. But is it really an exclusive platform for Generation Z and beyond?  

Numbers confirm the figures  

According to Statista data, in 2023, 32.5% of TikTok users in Spain were between 25 and 44 years old, while 16.3% were over 45 years old. This upward trend is due to the versatility of the platform, which offers content for all tastes and interests.  

Debunking myths  

TikTok is not for adult audiences  

Although young people dominate TikTok, the diversity of content has also attracted users of all ages. Brands and content creators can reach a wider audience than many realize, including more mature demographics.  

TikTok has no value for businesses 

This is perhaps one of the biggest myths to debunk.   

TikTok offers enormous potential for businesses looking to connect with a young, dynamic audience. Brands can harness the power of creative content to generate impact and increase their visibility.  

It also allows them to create personalized campaigns, reach a wide audience and interact with potential customers in a creative and active way.  

Benefits for companies  

Companies that dive into TikTok can reap multiple benefits, such as:  

  • Increased brand visibility: TikTok has a large potential reach, allowing businesses to reach a large audience quickly and easily.  

  • Connection with target audience: The platform allows companies to connect with their target audience in an authentic and creative way.  

  • Lead generation: TikTok videos can be a great way to generate leads and attract new customers.  

  • Customer loyalty: Interacting with users on TikTok can help build customer loyalty and create a community around the brand.  

TikTok is a multifaceted platform that goes beyond light entertainment. With its growing influence in digital culture, it's a space where young people find a voice and where businesses can build meaningful connections with the next generation of consumers.  

If you are thinking of expanding your professional future in the environment of social networks and digital communication, discover the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management of La Salle-URL, where you will learn to plan campaigns in different environments adapting the content to each platform, from Twitch, X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Linkedin, TikTok... even in the Metaverse! 



