What to do in Barcelona while studying at La Salle-URL. Activities, concerts, traditions and culture to enjoy a unique experience.

24 November 2009 | Posted by International Editorial Team

Come and participate in the 12th 'Botifarrada'!

For those who are new to this event, La Botifarrada is a day where we donate food and raise money to people in Madina, in the north weat of Africa, to fight against local hunger and we will build a radio station in Sierra Leona to better education and health, corporating with 'Banco de alimentos'. For more information, visit: www.salle.url.edu/botifarrada Come and participate: There will be a lunch festival where a meal (6 euros) with Botifarra (sauage), drinks and desserts will be available to everyone. A Food Collection will be running at all the receptions from La Salle Campus


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