La Salle, The 3rd educational institution with highest internationalization rate and the 4th in English language skills

Nowadays English has become a communication tool that allows all level global integration. EF educational institution and consulting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers International have launched an initiative in order to analyze the English language skill in university and private institutions students in Spain.
The i2n index is a report that shows the English language level of students and the internationalization of universities and institutions. In BES la Salle-Universitat Ramón Llull we are honored to be positioned as the 4th best university in the English variable assessment, due to our students; and as the 3rd highest rate in the internationalization ranking among educational institutions.
A reminder for future students thinking about studying their bachelor degree in English language, they have the chance to do the bachelor degree in technology management and the bachelor degree in architecture in English language mode at La Salle, one of the highest English level universities in Spain, thanks to his students. In addition you have the possibility to do your last course at La Salle University in Philadelphia and obtain two official degrees, one European granted by la Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull, and another one American by the University of Philadelphia (USA).
Congratulations and thank you!