Bloc del grup de recerca GRETEL. Espai de divulgació sobre la recerca en tecnologies i metodologies per millorar l'aprenentatge.

27 June 2019 | Posted by Editorial Team GRETEL

Robotics: How can I make a robot social?

The next month of July, specifically on Monday, 9 and during two weeks, is a program will be held for pre-university students interested in the robotics field .

Daniel Amo, member of the GRETEL research group, will be responsible for imparting this program in which the main objective will be to design a robot through techniques focused on the application of the knowledge of human factors in the design and construction of socio-technical systems and then build this robot using rapid prototyping resources and materials.

Finally, the capabilities of the robotic platform must be extended by providing cloud connectivity, making the robot an IoT device.


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