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19 March 2021 | Posted by Team Technova

Technova’s Bluefield Research Reflects on International Water Day

March 22 is International Water Day, which invites La Salle Technova to reflect on the current issues facing global water supply.

March 22 is International Water Day, which invites La Salle Technova to reflect on the current issues facing global water supply. 

UNESCO's Sustainable Development Objective 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation - aims to improve water access and management, as it addresses the precariousness of the world’s water resources. 

Keith Hays, Co-founder of Bluefield Research, a water industry-focused startup located in La Salle Technova, the innovation park of La Salle-URL, commented on these issues.  Bluefield collects water market data and provides industry analysis, including investment forecasts, detailed reports, market updates and analyst support. Below we provide some interview highlights:

Q:Is it possible to know how the world water is, in general, today? Where is the biggest waste of water?

A: The world’s water supply is in a precarious state - which is why improving water access and management are key Sustainable Development Goals  #6 - Clean Water and Sanitation.  Water is wasted in many places along the consumption cycle, from uncaptured stormwater for irrigation, to leaky distribution network pipes, to untreated wastewater that could be reclaimed for industrial use. On average, water networks in Europe waste 15-20% of drinking water, and as a whole the continent re-uses less than 5% of its treated wastewater.   Meanwhile, worldwide, over 1 billion people lack reliable access to clean drinking water.

Q: What kind of research do you do on Bluefield?

A: We provide market intelligence to public and private stakeholders exclusively focused on the water and wastewater sectors, including municipal, industrial, and commercial segments.  This means we analyze investment trends, competition, and regulation impacts, among other areas. 

Q: What are your target audiences? Who contract your service and for what purpose? > What kind of decisions can be made with the research you develop?

A: Bluefield Research provides market insight that helps water industry stakeholders make key decisions.  In most cases these decisions require us to help companies understand the market environment and regulations, size market entry opportunities, conduct due diligence for acquisitions, find strategic partners, and prioritize customers.  

Q: What kind of projects are you working on now?

A: We are working on a number of research projects.  To name a few:

·       Food & Beverage sector water management analysis

·       Evaluating the role of telecoms companies for water-related IoT

·       Tracking trends in public-private partnerships for water infrastructure as part of pandemic recovery

·       Supporting a private equity firm's bid to acquire a water IoT firm

·       Partnership development for an emerging water quality analytics firm.

Q: How was Covid for your field?

A: Mixed impact in the short term, very positive in the long term.  Mixed in the short term because rapid shifts in the location and volume of water and sewer demand because of lockdowns put enormous pressure on water infrastructure operations, and budgets.  But water and sewer are essential services so investment must, and has continued - which ripples across the value chain and impacts our customers, and Bluefield.  Long term, we see the twin drivers of building back more sustainably and digital transformation are prioritizing better management of water infrastructure and applying new technology to optimize operations.

Q: What are the goals for this year?

A: Bluefield's goals this year are to continue renewing 90% of its research subscription base, accelerate past the revenue targets we set in 1Q 2020, and diversify our research coverage to more geographic markets with greater focus on industrial water management.

Q: Are there recommendations for what each company or person can do to improve water use?

A: We can all be more aware of the costs of water, both environmental and economic, and how that reflects on our daily life.  This includes understanding one's individual or company water footprint, and finding ways to optimize.  It can be as simple as using more efficient toilets (19% domestic water use) drinking tap water over plastic-generating bottled water, and purchasing less water intensive products. 

At the end of the interview, Bluefield Research wanted to share a message with all of us.

“On World Water Day, we hope everyone reflects on the value of water and the complex network of stakeholders and technologies that are at play when you open your water tap.  Water infrastructure is underground, and resources are generally available, so it is often under-valued.  This needs to change for our world to be more sustainable.”

We are, as La Salle Technova, very proud of their initiative and that they are part of this Innovation park. Congratulations and we hope the success continue.



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