Get to know the latest trends in tools and techniques in project management and the latest tendencies in soft skills: team management, leadership, etc.


26 March 2020 | Posted by cristofor.fernandez


I have been a professor of Neuro-Leadership at La Salle Campus Barcelona for several years now and I collaborate as a psychologist specializing in psychodiagnosis with Arise Culture & People of the Nexe the Way of Change Group, a consulting firm specialized in change and transformation processes with the motto "we make things happen" and defined itself as "accelerator change in organizations that face challenges in the evolution of the growth model". And without intending to speak about the group from a particular interest, I will focus on some of the words they use and caught my attention considering the current situation the world is going through globally. Words like model, change, challenge, transformation, growth, evolution, acquire all their meaning in this apparent crisis. And I use the word apparent, because it is what it seems from the outside, but perhaps from the inside it is not and rather than a time of crisis it is a time of revolution.

Time for a deep inner revolution that leads us to destroy the old models of response and launch ourselves into the unknown without fear to leave what is familiar to us when we are caught off guard by surprise and fear invades our mental space. Curiously, fear is not born from the unknown but from detaching from the known.

Today we face a great challenge, to organize the affairs of the world (family, society, organizations, economy, politics). A challenge that will require from us a change in habits, customs, ways of doing and being that allows us to become better people who continue to grow and evolve towards a more conscious dimension where we can walk together and united for mutual benefit. They call it cultural change in consulting and there is no doubt that current circumstances invite us to head towards a global transformation where shared values are the priority. But none of that will happen if we are not able to take over the old patterns of thinking and ways of doing in the world. A true inner revolution that leads to cooperation and solidarity with each other. We need conscious and revolutionary leaders capable of transforming individual potential into collective potential. We are a great community and we are all interconnected; if the pandemic we are experiencing has spread so quickly, so can good intentions.

And let’s be honest, good intentions are achieved from our own balance. From what we think, feel and do, with high doses of consistency and seriousness. Because this is also a time to be extremely serious, which is why self-knowledge is so important and fundamental when facing situations that threaten and put our personal, social, organizational and global balance at risk. Because we are the world and our imbalance is the imbalance of the world. By knowing and understanding the complexity of our thoughts and the feelings resulting from them, we will be able to make decisions consistent with our real potentiality and thus avoid possible interferences (fear, uncertainty, anguish, anxiety, depression) that may cause us to lose our balance and inner harmony. The real crisis lies within ourselves, in our psyche, in our mind. If there is no internal balance there can be no external balance and that can become another kind of pandemic.

Emma Barthe, professor of the Neuro-Leadership Course at La Salle-URL.

Head of the Neuro-Leadership and Psychodiagnosis program of Arise Culture & People, from the Nexe, the  Way of Change Group.
