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25 January 2023 | Posted by angela.tuduri

Top digital marketing and eCommerce trends 2023

Digital marketing and eCommerce are constantly evolving in today's world.

2023 promises to be an exciting year for the world of digital marketing and eCommerce.  

As consumer needs and habits change, digital marketing trends are evolving as well. In this post, we preview some of the most important and expected digital marketing and eCommerce trends in 2023

New trends   

Artificial intelligence and automation:   

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are becoming an increasingly important part of digital marketing and eCommerce. Companies are using AI to automate repetitive tasks, such as customer tracking and data analysis, saving them time and money.   

In addition, they will increasingly be used to personalize the user experience and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.  

Mobile e-commerce:   

Mobile e-commerce will continue to grow in importance as more and more people use their mobile devices to shop online. This has led to increased competition among businesses and has changed the way consumers shop. Businesses must ensure they have a strong online presence and mobile-friendly user experience to compete in this growing market.  

Content marketing:   

Content marketing will continue to be a key tool for reaching potential customers, as consumers are increasingly interested in obtaining valuable and relevant information before making a purchase decision. The goal is to generate interactions and connect with the target audience, building a relationship of trust and credibility. Over time, this can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.   

Content marketing is used to improve search engine rankings, reinforce branding, increase visibility, generate leads and much more! It is a fundamental part of digital marketing and an increasingly important strategy for businesses. 

Social e-commerce:   

Social e-commerce will continue to grow in popularity as social media platforms increasingly become places to discover and purchase products. Social e-commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services through online social platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, among others. These platforms offer companies the opportunity to reach a wide and highly segmented audience through advertisements, product postings and other marketing techniques.  

Social e-commerce also focuses on community building and customer interaction. Through social networks, companies can obtain feedback and comments from customers, which allows them to improve their products and services and their shopping experience. In addition, social networks also offer the possibility of generating a relationship of trust and credibility with customers, which can improve loyalty and increase sales.  

Virtual and augmented reality:  

Virtual and augmented reality will increasingly be used to enhance the user experience and allow customers to interact with products in a more immersive and realistic way. In addition, they can help brands stand out in an increasingly saturated market. By using AR and VR, companies can offer a unique and memorable experience that differentiates themselves from the competition.  

Augmented and virtual reality are emerging technologies that offer a wealth of opportunities to enhance the user experience, stand out from the competition, reach a wider audience and measure the impact of marketing strategies.  

Influencer marketing:   

Influencer marketing will continue to be a popular tactic to reach a targeted audience through influencers on the most current social networks.  

This marketing technique is considered highly effective because influencers have an engaged and loyal audience, which increases the likelihood that their followers will trust their recommendations and consider purchasing the promoted products or services.  

Voice marketing:   

Voice marketing revolutionizes digital marketing and e-commerce trends by using voice recognition technology to reach consumers and promote products or services. With the growing popularity of voice assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant, and the increased use of devices such as smart speakers and smartphones with voice recognition, this technique is becoming an increasingly popular strategy employed by businesses.  

In addition, voice marketing can also be used to enhance the customer experience, such as by creating voice chatbots that can provide information about products or services or help customers complete a purchase.  

Privacy and data protection:   

As companies collect and use more and more consumer data, it is important to ensure that this data is handled ethically and complies with applicable laws and regulations.  

In the future, we are likely to see changes in regulations and laws related to privacy and data protection. For example, the European Union is expected to implement new regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which sets standards for the collection, storage and use of personal data. These regulations aim to protect consumer privacy and ensure that companies handle data responsibly.  

Video marketing:   

Video will continue to be an effective way to tell stories and connect with customers, especially on social media platforms and live streaming platforms. Video marketing is a very effective strategy as it captures the viewer's attention, conveys information clearly and quickly, and generates emotions in the viewer. Videos are also shared and viewed more frequently on social media, which can lead to greater reach and visibility for the brand.  

Video marketing can also help brands improve their search engine rankings as it is a multimedia content that helps improve SEO.   

Programmatic marketing:   

Programmatic marketing refers to the automated purchase of online advertising space through a real-time auction system. It is based on the use of algorithms and data to segment and target ads to users most likely to interact with them. Programmatic marketing allows companies to reach a specific audience accurately and efficiently.  

It is a strategy increasingly used by companies due to its cost efficiency and ability to segment and reach specific audiences.  

In summary, 2023 promises to be an exciting year in the world of digital marketing and eCommerce, with a special emphasis on personalization, automation, mobile commerce, content marketing, and new technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.   

Influencer marketing, voice marketing, privacy, data protection and pragmatic marketing also join the trends, and it is very important for companies to consider and include them in market growth opportunities.  

The arrival of GA4  

The new version of Google Analytics, known as GA4, offers significant improvements over its predecessor, Universal Analytics (UA). Announced for release in 2023, GA4 enables a better understanding of the customer journey through the collection of data from websites and applications. In addition, it stores information based on events rather than sessions, making the platform a much more efficient one.  

GA4 can link with tools such as Google Merchant Center, Google Optimize and BigQuery, allowing the creation of customized reports. It is a valuable tool for anomaly detection, predictive analytics and attribution modeling.  

Companies already using Universal Analytics are expected to migrate to GA4 as soon as possible, as the migration of information from one tool to another is secure and no data is lost in the process.  

The arrival of Google Analytics 4 is likely to have a significant impact on digital marketing. By providing greater insight into the customer journey and storing event-based information, GA4 allows companies to have a more complete and accurate view of how customers interact with their websites and apps. This could help companies improve their digital marketing strategy and increase their effectiveness in audience segmentation, content personalization and predictive analytics.  

Education and studies  

Studies related to digital marketing and eCommerce will also be affected by these trends. Programs must implement the current needs of the sector and provide students with a complete overview of the current situation in the area.   

There has been a 61% increase in hiring related to digital marketing specialist positions over the last year, making digital marketing one of the sectors that will demand the most talent in the coming years.  

At La Salle-URL we educate people with value, therefore, the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Social Networks and the Master's Degree in eCommerce and Digital Marketing offer a complete and transversal vision of social networks for their integration into the overall marketing strategy through a Social Media Plan. You will acquire the necessary knowledge to use the most advanced tools on the market and observe the environment with a critical perspective to distinguish the real business opportunities that exist in eCommerce.  

Don't get left behind, what are you waiting for to boost your future in a highly demanded area? 



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