Trobada de Robòtica SALLECAT 2018
On November 28th, the 1ª Trobada de Robòtica SALLECAT was held at La Salle Campus Barcelona (URL). The meeting, held by La Salle Pedagogia Catalunya i EduEnginy de Salle Campus BCN (URL), has brought together lasallian professors with an interest in educational Robotics from all over Catalonia. It has been a very rich day for all, where experiences have been shared, exchanged knowledge, good practices have been shared and successful projects on Educational Robotics have been presented in classrooms.
The presentation of the event, opened by Elena Jurado, a member of GRETEL and #EduEnginy and energized by the motor group of educational robotics of La Salle Catalunya, has given way to round tables where teachers of Infantile, Primary and Secondary, have presented their experiences in the classroom. They have also proudly shown the materials, robots and images of the projects they have launched during the recent years in their centers. The number of participants and speakers has achieved a high rate of attendance and commitment (55 participants and 13 speakers).