APTE, La Salle Technova Barcelona i StockCrowd IN s'uneixen per crear una xarxa d'inversió per potenciar el creixement de les seves millors startups. L'Associació de Parcs Científics i Tecnològics d'Espanya (APTE), La Salle Technova Barcelona i StockCrowd IN han presentat avui la Xarxa d'Inversió de l'APTE en el marc d'una... Showing 60 posts 12 November 2020 La Salle Technova launches the 4th edition of TStart pre-accelerator program 04 November 2020 The Danish startup Kaffe Bueno, incubated in La Salle Technova, closes an investment round of more than one million euros 27 October 2020 La Salle Technova is mentoring the creation of Viva @Ceará - the Ceará Innovation Districts. 23 June 2020 La Salle Technova organizes the webinar "5G in 5 Countries: developing 5 cases" 20 May 2020 #TDD4Future, the entrepreneurial meeting that explores the technology of the future 13 March 2020 Startup Europe launches a new knowledge platform 25 February 2020 Delegation from Brazil’s Government visits the Innovation District 22@ 20 February 2020 On March 5th the Industry Startup Forum takes place Pages« primero ‹ anterior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 siguiente › última »