Blog of the Data Science for the Digital Society research group. Digital Society Innovation, Applied Artificial Intelligence, data analysis and smart living and business.

21 January 2022 | Posted by Editorial Team DS4DS

First PhD thesis in Quantum Computing in La Salle and in Universitat Ramon Llull

Next Monday, January 24th, will take place the defence of the PhD Thesis of Parfait Atchadé, supervised by Prof. Elisabet Golobardes and Prof. Xavier Vilasís. 

It will be the very first thesis in Quantum Computing defended in La Salle and the whole Universitat Ramon Llull

The thesis deals with Quantum Algorithms for solving Hard Constrained Optimization Problems. It shows how quantum computers can solve difficult everyday problems such as finding the best schedule for social workers or the path of a robot picking and batching in a warehouse. The path to the solution has led to the definition of a new artificial intelligence paradigm with quantum computing, quantum Case Based Reasoning (qCBR) and to a proof of concept to integrate the capacity of quantum computing within mobile robotics using a Raspberry Pi 4 as processor (qRobot), capable of operating with leading technology players such as IBMQAmazon Braket (D-Wave) and Pennylane.

