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06 June 2019 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

Job interview "AFTERCLASS" (3)

From La Salle Campus Barcelona, we are committed to a specialized training of our students and we are aligned with the needs of companies to find the best trained ICT engineers in the market. We are in an era with many opportunities and a lack of expert engineers. That is why we ask ourselves the following question: how can we bring the students closer to the company so that them have good job opportunities and at the same time satisfy the needs of the market?

According to a study by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium or (ISC)2, the lack of cybersecurity experts in 2018 was already close to 3 million worldwide, and this lack of professionals causes 59% of the companies interviewed in this study affirm that their organization is at risk due to not finding qualified personnel.

For this reason, one more year since 2012, and with the aim of covering part of this lack of professionals, last Friday May 24 students of the subject of "IT Security" of the Degree in Telematics Engineering and the Degree in Computer Engineering from La Salle Campus Barcelona (URL) presented their final works to 18 companies of the Cybersecurity sector. These works are the result of the "Cybersecurity Audits" that each group has had to perform to a set of servers assigned specifically to each group, servers that belong to the project and environment of the LOST Project (Learning Platform for Security Training) developed in the university. The presentations have been made through personal interviews of students with companies, in small groups, and where students have been able to talk face to face with professionals from companies in the sector.

According to the comments of the attendees "the inclusion of Cybersecurity topics in the university career is a positive added value for students, which will bring clear benefits in their entry into the working market" and also "has been a very enriching event that has allowed to meet very valid candidates for the professional environment ".

Due to the high number of students taking the course this year has been necessary to invite 18 companies in the sector, which, due to the difficulty they have to find professionals in this sector, have not hesitated at any time to participate in this activity, for the opportunity they see in being able to identify talent in order to be able to incorporate them into their templates. Companies like (in alphabetical order) A2Secure, Accenture, Ackcent, Be12, Blueliv, Davinci-TI, E&Y, GMV, IMPALA, IsecAuditors, LightEyes, McAfee, Nexica, Open Cloud Factory, PWC, SATEC, SIRT and Unitronics have attended and rated very positively the activity, and have been surprised so much by the high level of the presentations and also by the technical capacity of the students.

In summary "it has been a very interesting activity for both the industry and for the students", which we hope to repeat the next year, and we hope that with more students and more companies.
