Hello! My name is Hector and I am a BES La Salle studient. Although I really enjoy the city of Barcelona, I'm very happy to say that that I'm not there any more. I am currently studying @ Saint Mary's College of California as an exchange student and I must say that I am trully impressed... the campus is beatiful, the people is very kind and there is a sense of community and family that you just can not find in other places. I'm taking 4 clases (Marketing Management, Sports Economics, Business Ethics, and Investments) plus a quarter credit in Golf. I am also in the recreational soccer team and I already became a fan of our Basketball team! The Gaels.The student life here is so rich with lots of events and activities taking place every day; Nevertheless, I wont be able to enjoy such activities next week since I have 3 midterm exams and a case presentation... I'll try to keep you updated with a short daily post and share with you all my experiences as an International student from Barcelona studying and living in San Francisco. See you soon! Hector.