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12 December 2018 | Posted by Digital Analytics Team

What is Content marketing & Inbound marketing?

Content Marketing vs Inbound Marketing

Content Marketing is a set of sustained efforts in the time to generate and distribute

(strategically) valuable, relevant and consistent content, with the aim of achieving

and gaining the trust of your audience, which will ultimately help to make sales and

obtain income. Content Marketing is encompassed within the Inbound Marketing

strategy, as a part of it, and that is why they are often confused or considered as the

same. If we are solely dedicated to developing a Content Marketing strategy, we can

expect an increase in our visits, attract certain new clients and retain them.


Inbound Marketing is a methodology that includes tactics that allow clients to reach

your company. The objective is for customers to reach the company when they need

their products or services.

Inbound Marketing seeks to convert anonymous visitors into prospects, and then

educate and train them until they become buyers. It also involves a real-time process

of collecting data and insights that can be used to continuously improve the

strategy's performance. If we want to create a repeatable, scalable and predictable

model to generate new leads, planning is necessary strategic and the analysis that

Inbound Marketing throws with all its components.


What is the relationship between Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing?


Content Marketing strategies and Inbound marketing  share a large amount of

resources, which contributes to the confusion between the concepts of each one. This

brings us to our next difference.The only way in which Inbound Marketing can function

to achieve its goal of attracting prospects to a business is through the content engine

(content marketing). This makes Content Marketing the heart of Inbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing represents a global strategy, within which,  Content Marketing

strategies are included.

Both are interdependent when you want to improve the operation at a global level, not only attracting and generating leads, but nurturing them, analyzing their needs, processing the information and understanding their processes.
