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Think Digital La Salle
How do we elevate our website to the top positions in search results?
Think like a project manager
In the world of software development and project management, Agile principles and practices have been gaining...
Join the doctorate program of La Salle-URL and the R+D+i world
Author: Juan Manuel García Sánchez. Direction: Dr Xavier Vilasís Cardona. Court: Dr Jordi Vitrià Marca, Dr Míriam Calvo...
Artificial Intelligence Observatory
Albert AI is a marketing platform powered by artificial intelligence that helps businesses automate and optimize their...

Our Blogs

International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.


Follow all our PhD activity in Information Technology and Management Application, Architecture and Geophysics at La Salle-URL.

Proyecto de cooperación internacional desde PROIDE Campus. Urubamba introduce las nuevas tecnologías en la comunidad alto andina de Perú como mecanismo de...


Discover the day to day of the student associations and social clubs of La Salle Campus Barcelona. Cheer up and participate!

What to do in Barcelona while studying at La Salle-URL. Activities, concerts, traditions and culture to enjoy a unique experience.
