
God Morgon! To follow with my suitemates introduction, today I’m posting the interview of yet another one. Some say, he appears on high value stamps in Sweden, and that he can catch fish with his tongue... all we know is that he is called… Anders. Q&A: Name? Anders Jorgan Skooglund Age? 20 Relationship Status? … It’s complicated Ethnicity? I don’t steal stuff… what does that tell you? Home town? Turlock, CA Religion? Christian Studies? Business Administration Favorite class? Operations Management and Business Statistics Hobbies? Tennis and Skiing Music? Rap and only Rap Book? 1984 by George Orwell Food? Caesar Salad, bread, aged Balsamic vinegar...and Taco Bell Drink? Diet Pepsi Why did you choose to study at Saint Mary’s College? Because all the chicks and the nice architecture. How/Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? I see myself married with 5 million dollars in my bank account (not a cent of which I worked for). I’ll have a BMW Z8 in my garage (which I did not pay for) and I’ll be father of a bunch of hairy kids. My wife will be an accountant so I don’t need to pay for one when doing my taxes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, you already now 3 out of my 4 suitemates. Tomorow I'll post the last interview. Au revoir, Hector.